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Cohere in Slack

Bring the power of retrieval-augmented generation to your Slack workspace

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Cohere in Slack FAQs

  • How much does Cohere AI in Slack cost?
      • A paid Slack plan is required to use the Agent & Assistant functionality in your Slack workspace. Cohere does not charge additionally to access it.
      • Cohere AI in Slack, like the rest of Cohere’s products, is free to use, but has rate limits on inputs and outputs from our models. If you need more than what the free rate limits offer, you can convert to a paid account, and you will be charged on a pay-as-you-go basis.

        Read more about our pricing here.
  • What are the potential limitations of using Cohere AI?
    • Cohere AI is powered by a generative model. Generative models have the potential to generate inaccurate responses and hallucinations.